open two Zotero instances at the same time

Is there any way I can open two Zotero instances at the same time? in other words, I wish I could open two Zotero libraries at the same time.
Thanks in advance
  • In windows, one profile is default, another is writing.

    then I created two icon on the windows desktop and set one to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero\zotero.exe" -P writing

    set another to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero\zotero.exe" -P default.

    However when I click the icon, both of them enter the same instance. Any suggestion? Thanks.
  • Make sure you've actually selected different data directories from the Advanced pane of the preferences. (A new profile should create a different data directory automatically, but that seems to sometimes not happen.)
  • Yes, different work directories.

    with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero\zotero.exe" -P default -no-remote

    it works now. Thanks.
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