Tromsø recommendations for citation of research data in linguistics

edited January 12, 2021

In linguistics there is a move afoot to add additional roles to the objects we are citing/referencing as RAW evidence. For instance a Speaker, or a Researcher. See the Recommendation here:

The template is not that complex but the additional roles don't seem to be available in Zotero.

section 3 says that any of the roles included: in the following sources are "valid";
Definitions in the DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication
and Citation of Research Data, Version 4.3:;
OLAC Role vocabulary:

The OLAC Role vocabulary in turn points to the MARC Relator Terms.

So in theory I should be able to include a marc relator term in any resource... some are obviously going to be less frequently used with certain modalities.... but I still have a 'speaker' role on a journal article. I'm wondering how I might add these roles to resources. Is there a way through the 'Extra' field?
  • Could you give an example of what such a citation would look like?
  • edited July 7, 2020
    Marlett, Stephen A., Cathy Moser Marlett (illustrator), Edward W. Moser (researcher), Jessica López Perales (speaker) & Francisco Xavier Moreno Herrera (speaker). Two annotated short Seri texts. SIL-Mexico Electronic Working Papers 19. SIL International – Language & Culture Archive.

    Authors don't get a role designation. This is for a Journal article. I could have used the (annotator) role too.
  • edited July 7, 2020
    And speaker here is the person providing the linguistic data? What is researcher?
  • yes, they are the person who was recorded by the researcher.
  • What is researcher vs author?
  • From the OLAC Roles...

    The resource was created as part of the participant's research, or the research presents interim or final results from the participant's research.

    The participant contributed original writings to the resource.

    So someone could do some research and not write up the research for publication. the argument is that the author takes that manuscript (whatever medium) and then crafts it into a publication... the researcher didn't do that so they are not an 'author' if they are not an author then what are they?
  • It’s rather unusual to indicate such roles in the citations, rather than as part of an author contributions statement in the cited work.

    Until such designations are more widely adopted in citation style guides, I don’t see these being added to Zotero/CSL. There is a proposal in CSL to add an option for user-specified role labels that might be adopted for a future version.

    For now, your best course of action would probably be enter these all as Author and add the labels in parentheses either after the person’s first name or last name, depending on the style. There are some other workaround solutions I could describe if that doesn’t work for you.
  • page 104 for useage of (dir.) = director ;

    also note APA 7th edn roles for non-print media:

    TV Series Episode
    Writer, W. W. (Writer), & Director, D. D. (Director). (Original air date). Title of episode (Season number, Episode number) [Tv series episode]. In P. Executive Producer (Executive Producer), Series title. Production company(s).

    Single Podcast Episode
    Executive Producer, E. P. (Executive Producer). (Date of publication). Title of podcast episode (Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of podcast. Production company. URL

    Koenig, S. (Host). (2014, October 3). The alibi (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Serial. WBEZ Chicago.
  • Yes, there are multiple types of specific roles, such as director, illustrator, producer, etc. Note that director and illustrator already exist in CSL. These can be specified in Extra like this:
    Director: Last || First

    Producer and executive producer will be added in CSL 1.0.2 forthcoming.

    What I don't see being added are these field-specific roles like researcher or speaker. That would be handled by user-custom labels if such a feature is adopted.
  • technically they are not "field-specific"/"field-exclusive" roles, as they are in the MARC relator standard.

    Is it reasonable to ask that an customizable list be put in a Zotero Preferences so that a user could create a list of available roles via the dropdown menu where the author name is input? OR must these roles be hard-coded into CSL?
  • That is something that I could see someone writing a Zotero plugin to do. I wouldn’t expect it to be added to Zotero itself unless any of these systems became much more widely adopted.
  • If I am citing audio of a speech, wouldn't I cite the 'speaker' FDR's appeal to congress to declare war for instance, or MLK 'I have a dream'... wouldn't I want a speaker role for one of those?
  • Most existing citation styles handle speeches by citing the speaker in the author position and then marking the item "speech" or "audio recording" or even both. That's just as clear.

    The problem with adding every conceivable role is that the end result is an unusable application. Extensive vocabularies are not as much of a problem for machine-readable formats typically created by professionals (like MARC), or even formats that aren't ever expected to have a GUI representation (like BibLaTeX) but they make GUI tools like Zotero impossible to use. They also make CSL styles impossibly complex to write, so the goal is always is to minimize the number of different roles/variable/fields while maximizing versatility.

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