Stupid citation error

I'm using word and APA 7th. For some minor cases I get bad citations.
Example: For the reference Mateus, A. and Martins, L. (2090). Challenges .... etc. I get the following citation: A. Mateus & Martins (2019) - note the "A" before Mateus.
But if I change the reference introducing an error, for instance Mateeeeeus, A. and Martins (2019). ..... I will get a correct citation: Mateeeeeus & Martins (2019).
I detect this error in a few more citations, but not for all. What is happening?
  • edited July 7, 2020
    Please use proper thread titles! Please be polite.

    It is correct APA style to add author initials when multiple authors have the same surname in a document. When two different first authors have the same surname, initials are added to aid readers in locating the item quickly in the reference list.
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