Changing citations from Chicago to APA

This discussion was created from comments split from: Changes to APA Style in 7th Edition.
  • Hi all, I need to convert the citations in a paper from Chicago to APA, when I do this via the Word plugin under Document Preferences, the bibliography switches to APA, and the citations are changed to APA, but they do not convert to in-text citations and instead appear as numbered footnotes in APA format. Shouldn't it automatically switch to in-text citations? Do I need to do something else? Thanks.
  • (Please start new threads for new issues — the thread you posted to was on a different subject. I've moved this to a new thread.)
  • When you inserted the citations the first time, did you manually create the footnotes? Can you upload your document to Dropbox or similar and give a link here?
  • Oops sorry, this is my first time posting.

    No I used Zotero to create all the footnotes initially. I was copying and pasting from sections of other documents, which were all in Chicago, but I assumed when I changed the style to APA it would have converted the whole document.
  • It should make that change. Try to change back to Chicago note and set it to use Footnotes instead of Endnotes, then change back to APA again.
  • That worked!! Thank you so much!
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