metadata help
Having difficulty getting PDFs for HeinOnline cases to download with zotero, but articles work fine. Can anyone see any problems with the metadata below that would prevent a PDF from being included as an attachment in Zotero?
class='Z3988' id='zotero' style=''
title='ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal& v. Test."&rft.title=Test v. Test& &rft_id='>
1. Zotero expects rtf.type=case rather than rtf.genre=case
2. There's a stray ." at the end of rtf.atitle
For me, what you have above actually does import, just as a journal article with some weirdness, but it'd be better to fix. (I'll note that for 1., there isn't a super clear-cut rule for COinS for non-standard item types such as legal cases, but the item type is typically in the rtf.type, so this would make sense. (I don't have access to Fastcase, so can't try directly there)