A better look for the RSS Feed Titles (removal or interpretation of the HTML code)
I decided to zotero also for following the journals' RSS feeds. However HTML code on the titles of the papers, such as sub, italic, etc, are showed as they are. Maybe it is OK for short ones like CO2 but for long chemical formula it quickly becomes unreadable. Is there a fix for this?
Can you provide an example feed where you're seeing this?
Since I have caught a developer I cannot stop myself to ask two more features for the feeds.
1- Just like an e-mail inbox, in addition to making the text bold, can you write the number of unread feeds in parentheses?
2- To be able to delete a feed manually after reading it would be awesome, why would I need to wait certain number of days?
Back to your question.
As far as I can see American Physical Society journals use MathML and even LaTeX, for example
American Chemical Society journals use HTML formatting, for example