Annotations not saving in OneDrive Zotfile Folder

I use Zotfile to send PDFs to OneDrive in order to read and annotate them in OneDrive on my iPad. Recently, I have realized that my annotations are not being saved. I can see them when I open the file on my tablet, but not on the desktop or the browser folders. The date of the file in each instance of OneDrive (including the tablet) remains the date it was uploaded.

I am unable to extract annotations in Zotero, and when I retrieve the files from the cloud the annotations are gone.

This issue only seems to occur in PDFs uploaded through Zotfile. For PDFs elsewhere in my OneDrive, I am still able to make, save, and sync annotations.

Thanks in advance for your help!
  • How are you saving your annotations on your iPad? Are you saving them back to OneDrive after? Do you see the annotations if you open the file from OneDrive on your computer?
  • I am reading and annotating PDFs in the OneDrive iPad app. They should be saving each time I close the file, but they are not. I do not see the annotations in OneDrive on my computer.
  • That sounds like a problem with the OneDrive app. ZotFile simply copies files to a given folder and has no control over how they're handled after that.
  • That's what I thought, too, which is why I contacted OneDrive first. But since the issue only affects PDFs imported by Zotfile, they said to contact you.
  • Best I can suggest would be to do some experimenting with copying other files from your desktop to try to see if you can find some sort of pattern.
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