Sorting by Title: Sorts by Articles? HELP
Hello. Is there no way to set Zotero to sort sources by title WITHOUT using initial articles like "the" and "a"?
Thank you!
Thank you!
bwiernikDo you mean in the Zotero window or in a citation style?
stoicbadgerI'd like to know about this as well. I'm referring to while in the Zotero library. So many titles start with The and I don't want 90% of Zotero library stuffed in the Ts because they start with the word The. I know I could leave it out but then when I cite them, its missing part of the title techncially. Any fixes/ideas?
jzedward+1 for a feature request to add a 'Sort Title' to all items and sort Title col on this. 'The' and 'A' make items harder to find
ScrippsOceanographyI ran into this today, trying to compare lists in Zotero and EndNote for completeness. I couldn't find a Zotero solution, but EndNote has a preference option where you can specify what characters to ignore at the start of titles, so I wound up turning that off for the interim.