AGLC4 Latex Workflow - and Case Downloadeder (Australian Guide to Legal Citation)

Hi All, I'm impressed with how far Zotero has come in the last few years. I've been playing around and as my Uni forces me to use Word, I've got a lot out of the AGLC 4 style.

I'm probably pressing my luck, but thought I'd ask anwyay.

I'm now getting into some research and wanted to get back into using LaTex as I like the ability to use git to version control my work, have much easier time keeping formatting under control and to be able to work from anywhere.

I could get better bibtex working with overleaf, but I could not find an AGLC 4 latex style. I've read that there is a way to use pandoc with CSL styles, but could not quite follow the workflow.

Does anyone use LaTex and AGLC together? if so, what is your workflow?

Also, after playing with the PDF resolvers in Zotero, does anyone have one that takes medium neutral citations and download and attach cases from public sites like the HCA?

Thanks :)
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