troubleshooting: connector

edited May 27, 2020

For reference I'm working on Windows 10 with Zotero standalone and Chrome's connector.

I have a problem related to the chrome connector. When I try to import citations from Jstor, currently, the connector is reading the document page as a webpage instead of a journal article (it shows the blue paper icon instead of the typical white one). When I go to the DOI page (clicking download), it shows the acrobot PDF icon, instead of the white page icon. Project Muse works fine and Jstor does too if I go there directly instead of through my institution's library page. However, I need my instutional credentials to access Jstor's conent, and once I login, this is the issue I get. I am currently in another state working remotely, but I have had success adding PDFs from Jstor as late as yesterday. I don't understand why this happens though and I've tried restarting the browser and redownloading the connector. I got a colleague from my dept. to try and she had the same problem once she went through our institution's website. Is there something we can do to address this on our end? Also, I feel like this started when I clicked ‘accept’ on the connector’s offer to set up a proxy connection with my university library, I usually just ignore the message, but for some reason this morning I really wanted it to leave me alone and went with it. Not sure if that has something to do with it?

Here are the report errors from the sample article I just tried:
[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 9 in tab 3."]

[JavaScript Error: "The message port closed before a response was received."]

[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?title=Most%20visited&removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page&enableCustomLinks=1&addLink=Add%20shortcut&addLinkTooltip=Add%20shortcut&editLinkTooltip=Edit%20shortcut". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]

[JavaScript Error: "No tab with id: 30."]

[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 54 in tab 33."]

[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 59 in tab 33."]

[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 63 in tab 33."]

Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks!
  • (Better to create separate threads for separate issues — you should edit your post here and move the ZotFile part to a separate thread. I'll focus on the connector part.)

    Can you provide a Debug ID for loading a JSTOR page that's not recognized properly?

    Then, go to the Zotero Connector preferences (right-click on the save button and click Options), go to the Proxies tab, and tell us the proxy scheme that's entered. (If you don't want to post your institution, you can email that to with a link to this thread.)
  • edited May 27, 2020
    Thank you, I'll do that. I just followed the steps and got this Debug ID: 854233796.

    Proxy scheme:

    Institution is Clark University, their library webpage is here:
  • Which steps? You provided a Report ID. We need a Debug ID, and those are the instructions I linked to.
  • Whoops, sorry about that here is the Debug ID: D444610142
  • Oh, but this is an older proxy-by-port EZproxy configuration. I’m afraid Zotero doesn’t work automatically with those. The default EZproxy configuration these days that nearly all institutions use leaves the proxied domain in the URL in a way where it can be easily detected.

    It may be possible to manually configure a separate Zotero proxy entry for each site/port combination — I can’t search at the moment, but I believe there are some threads here where people have done that successfully — but we don’t have access to a proxy-by-port setup to test it.
  • Ugh, okay. I'll look into this, thank you
  • I got it to work now by deleting and readding the existing proxy listed above. It doesn't work exactly the same, but it works. Normally I can collect the information directly from the article page without going to the downloadable pdf page. Right now that page produces a white paper icon, but does nothing when I click it. It pulls up the box that says Saving to: but nothing happens. But, if I go to the download page, it works fine and zotfile actually functions, so both problems are solved. Not sure what the inconsistencies are about, but I'm fine with this if it works.
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