Moving files from private to group library

Please help
I created a group library and dragged my collections into the library, but now none of the articles are attached anymore. If I click on each one I can locate it and reattach it, but I don't want to do that hundreds of times. Did I do something wrong? Is there a way to get my files into the group library?
  • Currently, the files need to be available locally — as indicated by a filled blue circle in the Attachments column in the middle pane — before you copy them across libraries. If you're using the "download as needed" file sync mode in the Sync pane of the preferences, you might not have all your files locally, and copying them will just copy the attachment items. For now, you would need to delete the items in the target library, empty the trash, sync in "download at sync time" mode so that all the files are downloaded in the source library, and then copy them again.

    (We have an open ticket to improve on this in a future version.)
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