Make Zotero bibtex item key export similar to Mendeley

I'm writing a paper with multiple people, I'm using Zotero, they're using Mendeley. We decided (at least for the moment) to create multiple .bib files for references, one per person, and link them all to the paper (so that people won't mess with each other stuff while writing). However, it would still be nice to have some check on duplicate entries, which means checking the existance of multiple entries of the same key (which I assume latext does by default). The problem is that Zotero and Mendeley create item keys in different ways. Zotero uses the author_titleword_YEAR format, while Mendeley uses the AuthorYEAR format. I like Zotero style more, but since it's less of a hassle in this case, I'm the one who's going to change his habit.

I've had a look at Zotero's bibtex translator, but my knowledge of javascript is limited. I have managed to change the key format from author_titleword_YEAR to authorYEAR by changing the content of the variable "citeKeyFormat", but you may notice that the format is still different from that of Mendeley (Zotero forces author all lowercase, while Mendeley keeps the uppercase initial). How am I going now from authorYEAR to AuthorYEAR? I have noticed that throughout the file the ".toLowerCase()" function (function may be the improper name for it) is called a bunch of times, however simply removing all entries of that function leads to the uthorYEAR key (notice the drop of the first letter), rather than the AuthorYEAR one.

Here is where my knowledge end. Can I have some help?
  • Don't edit the stock BibTeX translator — it'll just be overwritten.

    If you're using BibTeX as anything other than a generic interchange format, you want to be using the Better BibTeX extension, which gives you vastly more powerful and flexible BibTeX support.
  • edited May 15, 2020
    Ok, I think I solved my problem by installing the better bibtex extension.

    EDIT: sorry dstillman, I posted this comment before reading yours. Thank you for your suggestion, this is the conclusion I reached as well :)
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