“include URLs of paper articles" unchecked, but they still show up?

I have unchecked the “include URLs of paper articles" option, but the URLs are still showing up in the notes for books, book sections, and articles even when I include page numbers in the citation. I am using CMoS, 17th ed. Full note w/ ibid. I am on a Mac using MS Word 16.36. Any solutions to this?
  • I believe the checkbox only affects journal articles (definitely not books & chapters). If the URL shouldn't be cited, it likely shouldn't be in the URL field in Zotero for those.
  • Ah, you're right, thank you. My mistake. I often look up the book on the publisher's website or somewhere else online (especially with book sections) in order to have the web plugin grab the information for me, and it automatically adds URLs. I suppose I'll just need to go through and manually remove them. Thanks again.
  • Zotero really shouldn't be adding the URL to books unless you're on an ebook site (i.e. somewhere where the full text of the book is available), so if you have examples we can take a look.
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