Cursor size not recognized

When I have a cursor size that's greater than the default value, the app doesn't recognize that size and sticks with the default cursor size.

That's true for the snap package available through Ubuntu software. If I install it with apt-get, that's bot the case, which is weird. Also, if I install Zotero through Ubuntu software it doesn't install the plug-in for Libreoffice.
  • The snap package is unofficial and not something we support, but the maintainer, @extraymond, might have an idea.
  • edited May 9, 2020
    Ok, so that's the problem. But please let understand: you are present (i.e. officially) in the Ubuntu repository (because I can install Zotero with apt-get), but not in the Ubuntu software app?
  • edited May 9, 2020
    We provide an official tarball on this site and have nothing to do with any packages, which are maintained by community members.

    For a package that just wraps the official tarball, without the limitations of snaps, see zotero-deb.
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