LibreOffice Writer citation problem

Using LibreOffice Writer ( with add-in and Zotero 5.0.85.

When I insert an in-text reference (using 'Add/Edit Citation') and, once it is inserted, keep typing immediately afterwards, my typed text is taken to be part of the citation, which creates an error (as the citation has been modified, without meaning to).

Is this user error or software error?
  • LibreOffice is problematic with the way it extends its fields, but if you start typing directly after inserting the citation it should not extend the citation field. You can enable field shading in LibreOffice to better see what's going on. You can also post on the Document Foundation bugtracker for this issue. It helps to remind them, maybe they will fix it eventually
  • Thanks. I will do that. It's not the end of the world, just an irritation.
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