CSL-JSON import seems to miss "issued" field

I'm finding that the "import/import from clipboard" processes seem to miss the "issued" field (i.e. publication date) in CSL-JSON format. Is there a way that users can edit Zotero's import filter (or whatever it's called), or is it hard-wired into the software?
  • Works for me -- could you post the CSL JSON somewhere we can look at it (gist.github.com, pastebin.com, hastebin.com)?

    (you can kind of modify the CSL-JSON importer yourself, but it's fairly technical and harder for CSL JSON than for other formats -- it's the file "CSL JSON.js" in the translators folder in the Zotero data directory; but that should really be a moot point)
  • Actually, it's very compact, so I've posted it here. It was generated by https://anystyle.io/ -- is there some obscure syntactical error?

    [{"author":[{"family":"Hall","given":"P.A."},{"family":"Gingerich","given":"D.W."}],"title":"VoC and institutional complementarities in the political economy: An empirical analysis","volume":"39","type":"article-journal","container-title":"British Journal of Political Science","issue":"3","language":"en","year":"2009","page":"449–482"}]
  • yeah, this should be
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [

    "year" isn't valid CSL-JSON
  • Yes, you're right. I don't know what happened there. This is what I should have copied to the post:

    [{"author":[{"family":"Hall","given":"P.A."},{"family":"Gingerich","given":"D.W."}],"title":"VoC and institutional complementarities in the political economy: An empirical analysis","volume":"39","type":"article-journal","container-title":"British Journal of Political Science","issue":"3","language":"en","issued":"2009","page":"449–482"}]
  • yeah, I'd have to check, but pretty sure that CSL JSON requires dates to be specified as an object with either an array of date-parts or a raw date (forgot how that's exactly referred to)
  • edited May 1, 2020
    Right again. I'm new to CSL JSON, but I now see that if the date is formatted as:

    "issued": {
    "raw": [2009]

    it imports into Zotero just fine. I'll tell the AnyStyle.io dev about it. Thanks again for your help.
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