Lost Zotero archive?

I was about to update my Zotero archive after a four month hiatus. When I click on the Zotero App, though, I get nothing but the window one sees with a new, empty account. On my external hard drive I can see a folder that contains subfolders entitled Pipes, Locate, Styles, Translators, and Storage form the last time I opened Zotero. I assume this means that the data is still available. I just cannot seem to access it. Any solutions?
  • In Zotero, in the Advanced pane, under Files and Folders, does the location of your Zotero data folder match the location on your external drive?
  • Everything in that window is blank, even with the external drive connected. The only option checked is USES PROFILE DIRECTORY but the "choose" option is empty
  • You are using a very old version of Zotero. Start by updating to the current version. Download from https://Zotero.org/download and install (no need to uninstall first).
  • OK, thanks. I've installed and run the new Zotero, but upon running the new program it has opened up an old data bank from earlier in 2019, not the one I can updated at the end of December 2019. Is there a way I can locate that archive?
  • Look in the Advanced pane like I describe above. Is the Zotero data directory path pointing to the correct spot on your external hard drive?
  • No, it is not. Both the BASE DIRECTORY and the DATA DIRECTORY LOCATION are blank. Should I enter the location of the files on my external drive? If so, in which box should they be entered?
  • edited May 1, 2020
    The base directory is unrelated.

    If you're using a custom data directory, the data directory setting needs to point to that location for you to see your data.
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