Bibliography - inserting it

I recently had to reinstall Zotero due to a MS bug.
When I finally got it sorted to looked everything looked fine - I can add refs etc but when I tried to add the Bibliography at the end it kept asking me choose the ref. Also some of the references now appear in blue -like a hyperlink.
I tried unlinking and relinking everything and I have wasted a day on it - I looked up Word Add in to see if that was the problem but I'm not techy and didn't knowwhere to look for it. Any ideas?
  • How exactly are you adding references?

    And have you tested in a completley new document with just 1-2 citations?
  • I am using the Add/Edit command
    I opened a new word document just now and its working perfectly

    But in the existing document, the citations are listed in the document but they are not are linked to the bibliography.
    I started the original document in a google word doc - but the Bibliography would not paste in - then I tried importing that to word and unlinked the citations -
    would that have any effect?
    I could go back into the word doc and manually put all the references in again but it is a big amount of work in 10k doc is there any way around this?
  • I tried importing that to word
    There are specific steps you need to follow to move documents with Zotero citations between word processors. Otherwise all the citations will be flattened.

    You'll need to go back to the document in Google Docs, where the citations were still active.

    (Also, inserting the bibliography in Google Docs should work fine, but it may take a while for a large document. I'd guess that you just didn't wait long enough. But moving to Word is also fine, as long as you follow the proper steps.)
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