Connector cannot save PDFs to Group Libraries from Chrome viewer

edited May 5, 2020
Context: a PDF open in chrome built-in viewer and Zotero desktop open with a collection selected.

Clicking the connector will save the PDF to a "my library" collection but will do nothing for a "group libraries" collection. The status will be blank.
  • Can you manually add PDFs to the group (e.g. by dragging from the Desktop)?
  • Yes. Dragging a downloaded PDF from explorer works fine.
    The issue is when using Chrome (or Edge's) built in PDF viewer. The Zotero connector displays the PDF icon (indicating that it should work), but when clicked, nothing happens.
    This is a pretty annoying issue since clicking on PDFs in browser will open the built-in viewer by default.
  • You're saying that if you select My Library in Zotero, reload the PDF in Chrome, and click Save to Zotero, the PDF is saved to Zotero, but if you select the root of a group library, reload the PDF in Chrome, and click Save to Zotero, nothing happens on screen?

    If so, we'd want to see a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the PDF and clicking the save button with nothing happening, but make sure it's not just a question of reloading the PDF once. There's an issue in the current version where PDFs loaded in new tabs sometimes don't save until a reload. That'll be fixed in the next version.
  • Dstillman
    I'm a little confused. I never said anything about your first paragraph or reloading. In a nutshell, The connector doesn't work at all with the built in chrome pdf viewer.
    Thanks! I hope it gets fixed soon.
  • edited May 5, 2020
    Huh? You didn't say it "doesn't work at all". You said this problem occurs in a group library and doesn't occur in My Library.

    I'm asking you to perform specific steps and tell us what happens. You need to do that if you want us to help you.
  • Hello. I had a similar issue but figured out the problem. It may be due to the "Library Settings" of your group library. If Group Type is set to "Public Open" then file storage (e.g., PDF files, etc.) are not permitted in the group library. You must adjust these setting to enable file storage. Once I did this, I was able to successfully add files. This worked on Chrome's pdf viewer and other's as well.
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