De Buck item type manuscript - error

I found the following in De Buck:

Using type item manuscript (for archival sources) in De Buck citationstyle, the first time used I get an error. Using it again, after citing another item, it does give the right reference. The item type also doesn’t appear in the bibliography. The manuscript item in the example is 'ECAL':

[CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]; N.C. Kist, Neêrlands bededagen en biddagsbrieven. II De Nederlandsche biddagsbrieven (Leiden: S. en J. Luchtmans 1848); ECAL 0304 411 Collecteboek Holland.

  • Is anyone able to respond to this question?

    I have many archival sources in my thesis, it would be useful to me to use type item 'manuscript' (in stead of 'book' that I am using now)

  • A second question:

    I would like to separate archival sources and primary printed sources in my bibliography from all other references to get three lists: archival sources, primary printed sources and the other references. I have a very large amount of archival and primary sources in my thesis and sorting them out by hand is a lot of work.

    I can then use the separated archival and primary sources to check them and (manually) convert the archival sources into a list of archival institutions and archives.

    Using manuscript is not an option because these items don't appear in the bibliography. So using item type book is an alternative.

    Is there a way to sort item type books into these categories?

    Would using the extra field work? But which citable fields to use?
    Pamphlet would do for printed primary sources although not every primary source is a pamphlet, so a separate citable field for both archival sources and primary sources would be helpful. [see:]

    Maybe there is a better solution?

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