New PubMed Interface

As you may know, PubMed is coming out with a new UI in May. It's currently available as an option, but when I tried it Zotero was unable to recognize lists of articles (the folder icon) and save them, it just showed up as a webpage. Is this something in development? I use Zotero all day, every day for medical research and this is of vital interest.
  • I contacted Pubmed / NLM monday this week about the issue.
    Got this reply (I have left a comment on github also).
    I guess "reaching out to the vendor/zotero is done by posting here?
    Or is there another "route of communication"? :

    Thank you for writing to the help desk. Unfortunately, I am not able to troubleshoot issues with third-party software like Zotero. I recommend that you reach out to the vendor directly to report the problem with the plugin. In a situation like this, if there is an issue with the metadata from PubMed, the vendor will contact us and provide specific technical details that will help us investigate.

    Kind regards,
    Marie xxx
    U.S. National Library of Medicine

  • This is it, but the answer from NLM is incorrect. NLM provided the import functionality into Zotero for the new interface and the responsible developer has already been in touch about this (see their post on the github issue to which you also posted)
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