Tab character in citations


If a tab character ( ) is used in a CSL file as a prefix or suffix, it appears well when an RTF bibliography is generated but it completely disappears when the bibliography is directly copied to the clipboard. Does anyone know where this difference comes from?

Many thanks.
  • HTML, which is what is used in the clipboard, doesn't display plaintext whitespace (or collapses multiple spaces). This would require code in Zotero to replace tabs with HTML non-breaking spaces.
  • Thanks.
    I understand that there is an automatic conversion between tables and tab characters depending on the output. The option "second-field-align" technically creates a table with two columns (one for the citation number, one for all what remains of the citation). Would it be possible to make a more general use of this feature (maybe something like "prefix = tab") to generate a table with more than two columns?
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