Error, year showing up at beginning AND end of citation

edited April 17, 2020
I'm not sure why this is happening, and it hasn't happened before, but for some reason, the year is showing up at the beginning and end of the citations in the bibliography section.


Hayden, B.
1979 Lithic Usewear Analysis. Academic Press, New York, 1979.

Irwin, Henry J., and Cynthia Irwin
1959 Excavations at the LoDaisKa site, Colorado. American Antiquity 27(1):114–115.

Possible factors:
-Journal citations are the only ones that do not have the year twice.
-Style: SAA (Society for American Archaeology)
-The document is being edited by multiple people remotely with a VPN, a common drive, and a shared Zotero library. There has not been an issue working this way until now.
-In-text citations are fine.
-Here's a weird one...if I change the style to American Sociological Association 6th Edition, then change it back to Society for American Archaeology (formatting gets all weird), and then I undo fixes it. This "solution" works locally but not on the VPN.

Any thoughts? Is it just the VPN?
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