Error in CMS Style for Web Pages?

edited April 11, 2020
For online sources, Section 14.13 of the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style says to use the original date of publication or the latest revision date if one is available. If neither is available, Section 14.12 says, "Chicago does not ... require access dates in its published citations of electronic sources unless no date of publication or revision can be determined from the source." This implies the access date should substitute for the for the date of publication.

But Zotero's citation style for the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author-date) puts "n.d." as the date of publication even when the item's record contains an access date.

Is this a known error? What's the best way to fix it?
  • (I have seen this -- just haven't gotten a chance to look more closely. Definitely sounds wrong)
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