Save Web Page oddity

My understanding is that Kindle's note taking/highlight features are not integratable into Zotero. Okay, but can I use the Zotero Chrom Save Webpage feature to at least link to the page where the Kindle notes/highlights are shown per book?

Yes, you can save that page, BUT. When you save that page to a Zotero Collection, that works, but you cannot save the same page to another collection. The first save will be removed.

What I wanted to accomplish was to save that Chrome/Kindle page (with my notes) to several different collections and rename the Title each time for the particular book which belongs in each different collection. It's the same page, yes, but I wanted the link in several different collections as a reminder that I have notes on Kindle per collection/book.

I find it odd that Zotero only keeps the last copy of the web page regardless of where else that page was saved to other collections.

Yes, I could copy the page manually from collection to collection but the tags for that page would be wrong for the other collections, and of course I can't change the tags because the tag would be changed across all collections.

Is this normal/expected behavior, that is, removing the prior web page which exist in another collection if saving the web page for a subsequent time into another collection?
  • Nothing is being removed. You just can't save the same page to Zotero without reloading the page — if you do, it simply reopens the save popup so that you can move the saved item to a different collection (in case you didn't choose the right collection before the save popup closed). If you really want duplicates, you can either reload the page and save again or use right-click → Duplicate Item within Zotero.
  • Oh. Good to know.
    A better option for me is to create a note in each collection with the title of the book. Then go to or, copy the notes/highlights, then paste them into Zotero. Each note then can have its own tags and the Kindle notes are then indexed.

    This is extremely helpful. When you do the paste the pages are listed for each Kindle note.

    This should go into an FAQ don't you think? Zotero-Kindle integration.
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