How do I make clickable In-Text citations (hyperlinks)

Hi, is there any way to make In-text citations hyperlinks?

This would be really useful both in a word processor and in exported content.

For example, if I generate a PDF from Microsoft Word the Cross-references in the TOC are clickable: it jumps me to the relevant chapter. The List of Figures is clickable. In fact, everything cross-linked is clickable EXCEPT Zotero citations.
  • No, sorry -- has been requested before, but turns out to be fairly involved so won't happen any time soon.
  • Any update on this feature?
    It is really annoying that one cannot link in-text citations to references in the bibliography when using MS Word!

    EndNote has this feature so I am seriously considering switching to it...
  • +1

    I'd really like to have this feature, too...
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