Style Error for In-text Citations: Biological Psychiatry

I have noticed an error in inserting in-text citations with the "Biological Psychiatry" style. When I insert two references, for example "(2, 3)," the automatic generator produces "(2,3)" - please note that it lacks a space between the two numbers following the comma.

I tried to manually change this, but a notification window pops up with the following message: "You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?

Clicking "Yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "No" will erase your changes.

Original: (2,3)
Modified: (2, 3)"

I might need to make future updates if I decide to submit this paper to a different journal. Could you please advise on how I can automate this change?
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