Moving to new computer: linked pdf files issue

This is a real headache
I have all my PDFs in a folder copied from my old computer which I no longer have access to. I have been storing them as linked files which worked well at the time, on a windows 10 computer. Now whatever I do the program is looking for the files using a path on the old computer. I have changed base directory, tried to use zutilo etc bit the paths to my pdfs are the same as ever and therefore are broken
This makes the program unworkable for me
Is there a corrupt file? Will reinstalling help? what has gone wrong- something isn't working as it should
  • You can do that with Zutilo. If you're having trouble, let us know exactly what you're trying, step by step, with specifics.

    Note that the way to prevent this is by always setting the Linked Attachment Base Directory when using linked files. Since you didn't do that on the old computer, the files are all simply stored using full paths from the old computer and Zotero doesn't know where to look for them on the new computer.
  • On the previous computer, and on this one, I set the Linked attachment Base directory as you describe. But when I click on a PDF link now, it still tries to go to the other computer. I think there must be some kind of bug?
    Can you explain how I should be using Zutilo exactly and I will try this
    Thank you
  • It's not a bug — if you had set the Linked Attachment Base Directory correctly on the other computer and synced, there wouldn't be full paths. This definitely works.
    Can you explain how I should be using Zutilo exactly and I will try this
    There's a "Modify attachment paths" option you can enable that lets you put in the old and new parts of the path. You'll have to try that on your own first.
  • Thank you. I am pretty sure that I set the Linked Attachment Base Directory correctly on the other computer, but have gone through the zutilo instructions and have now been able to put ths right. In my version the modify attachment paths option was not visible so I hadn't been doing this correctly. What I've done, in detail in case any one else has been having probelms is
    Go to Zutilo Preferences
    make available these options in the Zutilo context menu:
    Modify attachments
    Copy attachment paths
    Highlight a reference right click and use the Copy attachment paths function under Zutilo, paste it into a text file and extract the partial path that you wish to replace. Get the new partial attachment path ready in the text file
    Highlight all the references that you wish to update in the central pane,
    right click and use the modify attachments function under Zutilo to replace the partial path
    Done! The PDFs are now attached
    headache gone- thanks for leading me in the right direction...
  • I'm not totally sure how Zutilo changes the paths on a technical level, so to be safe for the future you should now clear the Linked Attachment Base Directory and then set it again to make sure the files are set to relative paths below their current directory.
  • Will do- Thanks!
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