Information on how to make a web-site Zotero-friendly

I have been using GBIF to get research data-sets.

They provide some very nice facilities for generating and referencing datasets. The web pages for the datasets are beautiful. Here is one of my results:

If I try to import the metadata page for a dataset into Zotero, the result is a bit awful.

GBIF is a wonderfully helpful organization and is keen to fix this. I am struggling to find documentation on how to make web-publishing Zotero-friendly.

Can someone point me to an up-to-date best-practice guide please.

—Peter Goodall
  • If they follow the guidelines for metadata embedded in the page in this article: Zotero will pick that up pretty nicely (currently only the DublinCore ones, hopefully soon also the JSON-LD metadata).

    (For the general question, see also here:, but the above guidelines were written in broad consultation with data repositories, metadata specialists, publishers, and several reference managers, so following them is a good idea anyway)
  • Thanks Adam - will pass it on...
  • Thanks for this. As we're already doing JSON-LD for our datasets (mainly for Google Dataset Search), any idea when that might be a possibility?
  • I'd hope within 6 months, but hard to promise. @dstillman there was lots of movement on this for a while but nothing public this year -- any update on the generic import in general and JSON-LD import in particular?
  • No current progress on this, I'm afraid. The combined generic translator depends on some larger changes to the translator architecture (async/await) that still need to be done.
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