Switch account, email not valid anymore


I have a Zotero library that was connected to a specific email, which I don't have access to anymore. Now that I want to put my old data to my new account, it merely doesn't want it to happen because it says that the local library will be deleted. I want to keep the local library of my previous account (which I cannot access anymore) and upload it to my new account.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

  • Meaning that you don't remember the password to the old account?

    If that's the case, you can email support@zotero.org with details and a link to this thread.

    If you can log into it, you can just change your email address from the account settings.

    There's no need to create a new account (and, as you saw, the local library is tied to a specific account). All that's necessary here is to add your new email address to the old account once we've verified your identity.
  • Thank you for your answer,

    Yes I forgot the password but that's not the main problem. The problem is that the email address is not valid anymore (old university address) and I cannot have access to it anymore.

    I will email the support and see what they can do.

    Best regards
  • Not having access to the email address anymore wouldn't matter as long as you remembered your password — as I say, you could just log in and add your new email address.

    But if you don't remember your password, we need to verify your account manually to add a new email address, and that needs to happen via the support address.
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