Zotero Error - D37045977


Just wondering how I can get around this bug. I am using a Mac, and am trying to export a collection with multiple subcollections.

  • TypeError: zoteroAttachment.toJSON is not a function

    Can you reproduce it by selecting all items in the collection and exporting those instead of selecting the collection itself? If so, try exporting halves at a time until you find the smallest set of items — ideally a single item — that reproduces the problem. If not, try the same after turning on View → Show Items from Subcollections (in case the item is in a subcollection).

    If you find a single item that triggers the error, select it, go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript, paste in ZoteroPane.getSelectedItems()[0].libraryKey, and let us know the result after clicking Run.
  • Thanks, that worked. It gave me back this when I ran that in JavaScript.

  • There were two more files with issues. I also ran them, with this result for both.

  • Do those items have attachments?

    Does this still happen after restarting Zotero?
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