Citing Swedish titles in English Document - Auto capitalized incorrectly

I am writing a document in English in Microsoft word for office 365, 32-bit. I am using Chicago manual of style 17th edition full note with the Zotero add on from the desktop application. I am citing Swedish and English documents. All proper nouns in the title of Swedish documents are not capitalized, while for English documents they are. (e.g. Eng. Where is the Dog: Only Susan Knows; Swe. Where is the dog: Only Susan knows)

When Zotero>Document Preferences>Language>English, the Swedish titles are automatically capitalized (All words in Swedish titles are capitalized, whereas English documents follow correct English rules. And this is not how the titles are entered in the desktop application).

When changing Zotero> Document preferences> Language> Swedish; the titles are not automatically capitalized, and English titles remain correct to English conventions. But I cannot cite this document in Swedish.

Does anyone know if this issue was discussed before, or how I can fix this? I just want to have the citation language in English, with the titles to be cited in the document as I have entered them in the Zotero application, and for them not to be altered. Thanks!
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