avoid In-text citations of author initials, also for different authors

Dear Zotero,

I am a Mendeley user, but Mendeley customr support referred me to you, because
they receive citation styles from a repository shared with Zotero. I hope you can help with the following:

I would like to use the APA reference style for my dissertation; but want to make sure that it will not add first name initials to references in the file text in Word, even when it refers to two different authors.

Hence, the case is: there is more than one author with the same surname (A. Wolff and E. Wolff): still I do not want any author first name(s) initials to appear in the in-text citation.

Could you please explain to me how I can change this? I tried it via the Visual CSL editor but that does not help me. Maybe there is a different (APA) style I can use?

Thank you in advance and kind regards,

Wieke Pot
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