My Feed Limited to 50 Items

I'm thrilled to be able to access my libray on the server via a private feed (in Feeds/API Settings). However, I can only get 50 items (same as when I subscribe to my library when (temporarily) set to public). Is this a temporary restriction until it's more fully tested out?

Looking forward to using the feed as a means to access (read-only) Zotero data with Drupal Biblio module.
  • edited August 7, 2009
    We'll be publishing docs on this, but you can use the 'limit' query string parameter to increase the number of displayed items up to 100 (e.g. ?limit=100). To get more, you'll need to follow the provided rel="next" link to get additional pages. The zapi:totalResults field lists the total number of results (though that number currently might not be correct in all privacy modes).
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