Zotero renamed a pdf document

edited March 17, 2020

What I did:
- I dragged and dropped a pdf document in Zotero, it is actually a chapter from a book. The name of the pdf is different from the book title because I chose to give indications in the pdf name that helps me identify the content of the document without the need to open it
- Zotero didn't find the reference alone, so I started a "retrieve metadata for PDF" manually.
- Zotero found the reference, added all the reference included book title.
- BUT a the same time, Zotero renamed my PDF, giving the pdf document the same name as the book title. I don't want this name! I want MY name back!
- When I delete the pdf file in Zotero (without deleting the reference) and try to drag and drop the pdf file again, Zotero keeps renaming it!

Now my question: how can I (1) avoid in the future that Zotero takes the liberty to rename my pdf files (2) rename my pdf file inside Zotero (can't seem to find a way).
Thank you in advance.
  • edited March 17, 2020
    1) You can disable automatic renaming from the General pane of the Zotero preferences.

    2) You can click on the attachment title in the right-hand pane to rename the attachment (and optionally the PDF file).
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