Excluding things from the reference list
I'm wondering if it is possible to choose to exclude some parts of the references from the reference list? For example, say I'm using APA and I don't want the doi to be part of the reference in the reference list, how can I make this change for the entire list?
Unless your journal or publisher specifically asks you to omit the DOI, then I would recommend against the no-DOI-no-issue version of the style. The DOI is the single most important part of the citation with regards to readers being able to locate the reference and publishers being able to accurately index citation metrics.
there is a no-doi version for APA6 here: https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=apa
It's in order to limit the word count, I'm asking for a colleague who would like for the reference list to take up less room.
On customizing: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/style_editing_step-by-step