Problem creating saved search for RSS feeds


I tried to create a saved search for an RSS feed, but nothing happened when I clicked "OK". It works fine when I create saved searches for "My Library".

Version: 5.0.84 (MacOS)
  • I check out the error console and see the following error:
    JavaScript Error: "Cannot add search to a feed library"

    Does this mean it's not supported yet?

    By the way, "copy" button in the error console doesn't seem to work for me.

  • Saved searches aren't supported in feeds, and you shouldn't actually be able to click Save Search and enter a name when a feed is selected — the button should be disabled. Is that not what you're seeing?
  • No, the "OK" button is not disabled.

    And also, why is saved search not supported in feeds? It would be great if I can filter out arXiv updates of certain authors.

  • I'm not sure what "OK" button you're referring to. You save a saved search by clicking "Save Search" in the Advanced Search window, and that button should be disabled when you select a feed from the drop-down.
    And also, why is saved search not supported in feeds?
    It's just something that hasn't been implemented.
  • I tried your way and the button is indeed disabled.

    I encountered the problem when right clicking "My Library" - "New Saved Search". The "OK" button in the popup window is not disabled.
  • edited March 30, 2020
    Oh, that's a bug — there shouldn't be a library drop-down in that window at all, since you triggered "New Saved Search…" on a specific library. We'll fix that. Thanks.
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