Relink my references after supervisor opened doc in Pages

Hello, I am woking on Windows 7, Word 365, the problem is the document was reviewed and track-changed in Pages/Mac, now all my references will not link back with Zotero, is it possible fix this or am I...f*^%ed!?
  • Sorry, saving the file with another program usually breaks references. You'd have to either manually reapply the changes to the original document or edit citations manually from now on in the reviewed document.
  • Many thanks for the swift reply, I should be OK, I will work from my original draft.

    This seems to be something that comes up a lot here, would be possible to implement a fix?
  • It's not fixable by Zotero: the problem is limited compatibility between word processors.
    As a recommendation, "Compare document" is a useful way to merge documens that have been edited but from which field codes have been removed.
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