Moving from Zotero to Juris M

Can anyone help explain the process to switch from Zotero to Juris M?

Been using Zotero for a few weeks now and I currently have my dissertation citations linked from Zotero.

Will downloading Juris M mess this up?

thank you
  • Just Install Jurism and open it. It will import your existing database and convert it to Jurism format. It will continue to work with your dissertation document. It makes a Backup of the Zotero database before conversion so you can always switch back if needed.
  • ok thank you.

    I am having trouble opening Juris M on my Mac. Do you know if this is a regular problem with Mac users?
  • No, it’s not. What do you mean by trouble?
  • Try downloading it again. The latest build was broken on the download site and that has been fixed last night.
  • Hi there,

    I have just made the switch to Juris M from Zotero. Everything seems to have synced from my Zotero account however I'm not sure my citation style has.

    I was using the 2019 version of OSCOLA. I have noticed there is a style called JM OSCOLA from 2011.

    Do I need to set up the original style I was using in Zotero or do I need to choose the JM OSCOLA version now?
  • You can still use the OSCALA you were using before, but the JM version will probably be better because it can take advantage of JM’s other features and also modular legal styles thar adapt for other legal jurisdictions as needed.
  • how do I choose the JM style?

    I have deleted all styles in my style manager apart from OSCOLA and JM OSCOLA

    can't seem to pick between the two
  • You set your citation style in Word by clicking the Document Preferences button in the Zotero tab.
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