Changing the exported field type Better bibtex exports

The title of a website is exported by Better Bibtex as a 'journaltitle' field. However, the '@online' entry does not support this field.
Is it possible to change the website title field to be exported as 'maintitle' field for @online entries?
  • You can do this in a postscript:

    if (Translator.BetterBibTeX && item.itemType === 'webpage') {
    reference.add({ name: 'maintitle', value: item.title })

    But do you mean that @online entries should always use maintitle instead of journaltitle? I can't find online in TTB or BibTeXing, and the biblatex manual (are you exporting bibtex or biblatex?) seems to indocate that neither journaltitle or maintitle are appropriate for @online.

    Can you open an issue on the BBT github issue tracker for this?
  • I'm exporting biblatex.
    But I meant something else. If I would cite this thread, I would like to export '' as the title of the website and 'Changing the exported field type Better bibtex exports' would be the normal title.
  • Open an issue on github and we'll get it sorted.
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