Divide the right (item) pane into two parts (upper and lower)

When using Zotero with the standard view, the right item pane has four tabs: Info, Notes, Tags, and Related. However, the content in each tab is hardly full all space of the pane. In addition, it's a common case for the user to switch between the tabs especially the former three.
So, I suggest that give the user an option to merge some tabs in one pane. For example, like the "Tag Selector" in the left pane, let the Info& Tags or Notes& Tags shown together in the same pane (upper and lower). This will greatly enhance efficiency!

I'm running Zotero 5.0 standalone version on Windows 10.
New to Zotero, it's an excellent app. Apologize for any ignorance.
  • Thanks — no immediate plans, but we'll be redesigning the item pane in a future version, and showing more in the main tab is certainly something we'll be considering. (The app Tropy, produced by some of the team behind Zotero, does this.)
  • Thank you!
    Yes, I see the home page of Tropy (https://tropy.org/), and that is exactly what I want!
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