Citation style for (author year: page)

Dear Zotero-forumers,

I am looking for a citation style that displays citation in the text in the format (author year: page), like this:
"Warfare reduces economic inequality (Piketty 2018: 20)."

Do you have a suggestion for how to find such a citation style?

The citation style of the American Sociological Association is the closest style, but annoyingly has no space before the page, like this (Piketty 2018:20), which is not nice...

Best wishes

  • Thank you so much adamsmith, ideally I was looking for something in English, but the one of the "zeitschrift for soziologie" is pretty good.

    Many thanks

  • edited March 1, 2020
    If you got one that is very close, then let us know which one and we can tell you what to edit to get the style you want.
    I assume the style you want to create is for personal use and not for a specific journal/publisher?
  • Many thanks for your help! I need the style for writing my PhD thesis, i.e. personal use. The style "Zeitschrift für Soziologie (German)" comes very close to what I am looking for. The way it cites in the text is perfect, only the bibliography is problematic. I give 2 examples of how the bibliography with this style currently looks like:
    Acemoglu, D., D. Cantoni, S. Johnson & J.A. Robinson, 2011: The Consequence of Radical Reform: The French Revolution. American Economic Review 101: 3286–3307.

    Isenmann, E., 2014: Die Deutsche Stadt im Mittelalter 1150-1550. Köln: Böhlau.

    I would like to change the following things:
    1) no comma after the author
    2) year of the publication put in brackets
    3) For journal publication, the title of the article in quotation marks and the name of the journal in italics
    4) For books, the title of the books in italics.

    The result should look like this (can't italicise in this comment window):
    Acemoglu, D., D. Cantoni, S. Johnson & J.A. Robinson (2011): "The Consequence of Radical Reform: The French Revolution". American Economic Review 101: 3286–3307.

    Isenmann, E. (2014): Die Deutsche Stadt im Mittelalter 1150-1550. Köln: Böhlau.

    How could I achieve this?
  • 1+2) change to <group prefix=" (" suffix="):"
    3a) Quotation marks: add quotes="true" to line 107. (n.b. this will make german quotation marks. If you want them "...", then set the language of the style to English or we have to do soemthing else as it might also change other parts of the style. Let me know.
    3b) Add font-style="italic" to line 285
    4) As in 3b) on line 101.

    General instructions here:
  • Thank you so much for your help! Unfortunately the validation always fails ("Validation failed: Missing scheme"), also if I don't change anything in the code...
  • when are you getting that error exactly?
  • Can you post your code to hastebin/pastebin and put the link here?
    I'm sure you just introduced a little mistake like not closing some tags or something with your edits.
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