Attachments in group not found by group member

Hi all,

I have a group with one other person, who is a group member but cannot access the pdfs. A few things to consider:
They seem to have reinstalled zotero and the group files were already in Zotero, but access to pdf's is lacking. Even after running sync and readding them to group they don't have access.
Should they delete the holding files in explorers and reinstalll? Is this a general bug (feature) with groups?
  • Run through it may just be that they haven't downloaded yet.
    Don't delete anything, that's just going to take more time and make this harder to troubleshoot.
  • I ran through some of the steps and changed the group setting to allow everyone to edit. This didn't help the situation, and then I noticed that the attachments on the server were greyed out. On my computer they are still working fine but not on the server. I go worried that this change may cause the whole thing to become corrupted so I changed settings back. Do group members also need to have the right amount of storage on their zotero accounts?
  • The only storage that matters is that of the group owner. If the attachments are not on the server, it really sounds like they're not syncing up from your computer. You'll want to run through all the applicable steps for that from the link I posted.
  • I, too, have this issue.

    Some of my group members are unable to download attached PDFs (they are greyed out or non-existent) from the group library on the web. I see and can open them if I go into the group library (on the web).
  • edited May 10, 2021
    @amw290: You're either looking at different files or the other group members aren't logged in. If something isn't available in the online library, it's a sync problem on the computer of the person who added it. But if it's available for one person, it will be available for everyone. Note that you have to be logged in to access files — they're not publicly available.

    See Files Not Syncing for more info.
  • @dstillman Ah, thanks! That must be it. Didn't even think to ask.
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