Style request

I would like to request a style for a book Chapter that I'm working on. I cannot find a style that is similar to it. Thank you.

Multiple citations in the main text should be separated by semicolons.

References in journals
Ackerman, M[onsieur]. 1841. Note sur le coua, Famac-acora des Malgaches, hache-escargot (Traduction littérale) ou casseur d’escargots. Revue de Zoologie 4: 209-210.

Albignac, R. 1973. Faune de Madagascar. No. 36. Mammifères Carnivores. Paris: ORSTOM/CNRS.

References in proceedings
Andriamampianina, J. 1976. Madagascar. In Proceedings of International Conference on the Conservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl, Heiligenhafen, Federal Republic of Germany, 2-6 December 1974, ed. M. Smart, pp.125-126. Slimbridge: IWRB.

References in monographs
Andrianarimisa, A., and Goodman, S. M. 1998. Les oiseaux. In Inventaire biologique de la forêt littorale de Tampolo (Fenoarivo Atsinanana), eds. J. Ratsirarson and S. M. Goodman Centre d'Information et de Documentation Scientifique et Technique, Antananarivo, Recherches pour le Développement, Série Sciences biologiques, No. 14: 157-181.

References in books
Benson, C. W. 1984. The birds of Madagascar. In Madagascar: Key environments, eds. A. Jolly, P. Oberlé and R. Albignac, pp. 115-149. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

BirdLife International 2000. Threatened birds of the world. Barcelona and Cambridge: Lynx Edicions and BirdLife International.
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