Zotero plugin to Google Docs - could it pull in a collection instead of the document citations?

Hello all,

I've got a separate mechanism for extracting references from a google doc and then synchronising these with a Zotero collection in a group library (using https://github.com/edtechhub/zotero-cli).

I would now like to use the 'bibliography creation part' of the Google Docs plugin to just look up that collection and generate the bibliography accordingly.

Any thoughts how hard that would be?

Many thanks!
  • I won't be of much help on the technical part, but just so the ask is clear:
    You could just create a bibliography from that collection and paste it into the google doc, right? You're just looking to automate that?
  • Yes!

    Nothing more than that.

    Reason: If you have to update the bib, you have to delete the old one, paste the new one in. Then the line spacing and indents are wrong, so you have to fix those. One off, it's not bad, but repeatedly, it's a bit painful. :)
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