"An error has occurred. Please restart Zotero."


I work with Zotero in a library and one of our students installed the program this weekend and keep getting this error message. Debug ID is D1120796024

Hope someone can assist me!
Best regards,
  • Is that Debug ID from the student's computer? It doesn't show an error occurring.
  • Yes, it's from the student. Do you have any idea why she keeps getting this message? It happens every time she opens a collection or area other than My Library. We have tried uninstalling and reinstalling a couple of times.
  • Can she try generating the Debug ID again, and make sure it's still logging when the error occurs? When that error occurs, something is logged, but I'm not seeing it in that report.

    It's possible that her database is corrupted. She can check her database integrity from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences.
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