Is it possible in inline citation to remove the parentheses for only some item types?

I have a request to have no parentheses for the inline citation for the item types bill or legislation or legal case but to have them for everything else.
for a bill or legislation or legal case:
Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail dans les mines (RLRQ c S-2.1, r. 14)
for everything else:
(Fayol, 2016)
(Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail dans les mines (RLRQ c S-2.1, r. 14); Fayol, 2016)
  • I'm afraid not, no. There's only one layout you can set for citations, and that would have to include the parentheses as prefix and suffix. Otherwise a citation with multiple works will not look correctly.
  • OK, thanks for the fast reply adamsmith
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