How to add the titles of an author?

I ran into the problem, that zotero only gives option for first name and last name. But it can't deal with the titles off an author (like phd., Mr., Mrs, Ms...etc) or things like that.
I'm not sure, if this is the cause of the problem occured, that when citate in Ms, Word, the author once citated as "firstname lasname" and other time "lastname firstname" Can I somehow solve this ASAP?
  • Generally, such titles aren't cited, so I would recommend omitting them from your database—if you include

    Regarding the ordering of names, be sure that you have entered all of the names in Zotero in two-field mode (Last || First), rather than one-field mode (which is for organizational authors). See here for more details:

    If the author is entered in two-field mode, but the names are backwards, right click on the name and choose Swap First/Last Names.
  • Thank you for the quick answer!
    I checked the names in my database, they are all in two field mode, and both first and lastnames in the correct field, all the same way... Dou you have any idea what could cause them being cited differently? (I deleted the titles from before the names, so it can not be the case)
  • The formatting of the names is determined by the citation style you use in the document. They should generally be formatted consistently within a document using the same style. What style are you using? Can you copy and paste some references here that are showing up inconsistently?
  • I use the "Chicago manual of style 17th edition (full note)"

    I used 5 books in the document in question, from which two were cited for the first time like this:

    Fazekas Sándor, A protestáns etika kézikönyve (Kálvin, 2017), 332.
    (the first name in this case is "Fazekas")

    and three were cited like this:

    Jenő Sebestyén, Református etika (Budapest; Gödöllő: Iránytű, 2000), 411.
    (The first name in this case is "Sebestyén")
  • So, Chicago style specifies that the first author should be shown as:
    Last, First,

    and then all subsequent authors for an item shown as:
    First Last,

    If "Fazekas Sándor" is the first author of the item, then what is likely happening is that that citation is orphaned and disconnected from your library. So, any changes you made in your library to correct the item data didn't change the item in the document. Search your document for that citation, delete it, and re-insert it from your library (making sure the library shown in the search window is "My Library", not "Cited").
  • I did not have to correct anything in my libary the names were in the right place there from the beginning. And I tried to delete and recitate the items, but they apeared the same way...
  • Can you select those two items in your Zotero library, right click, choose Export Items, choose CSL JSON, then upload the exported file somewhere and give a link here?
  • I hope it will work. Here are zhe five books I citate in this document.!Ar6CyWPQakg-lFMnEINkXs3LtZcG?e=EQ1sXi
  • In those data, the last names are entered as "Fazekas", "Török", "Kósa", "Stott", "Sebestyén".

    If that isn't correct, then you need to correct the names in your Zotero library. Note that in your library, names are displayed as:
    Last, First
  • It is correct, those are the last names (sorry, I confused the expressions last name and first name)
  • edited January 21, 2020
    So those are generated for me as:

    Fazekas Sándor. A protestáns etika kézikönyve. Kálvin, 2017.
    Kósa László. Tartozni valahová. Koinónia, 2009.
    Sebestyén Jenő. Református etika. Budapest; Gödöllő: Iránytű, 2000.
    Stott John Robert Walmsley. Korunk égető kérdései: keresztyén szemmel. Harmat, 2009.
    Török István. Etika. Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1988.

    With the last/family name all being shown first. If the "Sebestyén" item is sorting with the given/first name first, I don't really see how that could be the case unless the item being cited in your document is disconnected from your library or in a group library. If you like, please upload your document and I can take a look.

    @adamsmith Unrelated, to the discussion above, when these items have a locale of "hu", no comma is being inserted between the family name and given name in Chicago (full note). Is that correct for the locale?
  • Strange... I tried to generare the same book's citation in a new document, the result:
    Fazekas Sándor, A protestáns etika kézikönyve (Kálvin, 2017);
    Stott John Robert Walmsley, Korunk égető kérdései: keresztyén szemmel (Harmat, 2009);
    István Török, Etika (Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1988);
    László Kósa, Tartozni valahová (Koinónia, 2009);
    Jenő Sebestyén, Református etika (Budapest; Gödöllő: Iránytű, 2000).

    Where could be the problem in my word/zotero program than?
  • That style does not look like Chicago (full note)—e.g., Chicago doesn't put the publisher and year in parentheses. What style are you using?

    With respect to the names, the two that are incorrect are Török and Sebestyén?

    Go to one of those citations in your document, right-click on it, and choose Toggle Field Codes. Is name of the author in the codes labeled correctly, with Török or Sebestyén labeled as "family"?
  • It is the Chicago style (double checked)
    And I checked one citation of all books as well in the codes, and found that family and given names are both correct everywhere...
    The only time this problem accures is, when the full citation is needed, all the other citations are correct (family name (title of the book, if needed) and page number)
  • @adamsmith @adomasven I’m flummoxed. Any other ideas?
  • The different, and incorrect, behavior is indeed due to the lack of the hu in the language field for the Török and the Sebstyén reference. Adding that should fix this.

    (I assume chakna knows what follows, but for the benefit of others: This is because most languages have names normally given as firstname lastname but Hungarian, like many Asian languages, has lastname firstname as the normal order. The "hu" tag in the language field tells CSL/Zotero to treat Hungarian correctly -- one of the benefits of @fbennett having spent so much time thinking about multilingual citations.

    The difference that you're seeing in your output from Zotero is simply that bwiernik is looking at bibliographies and chakna is looking at in-text citations.
  • Oh understand now (I think)! The only hungarian author cited as chicago style specifies are the one, whose name does not contain specific hungarian characters (like: ö,ő,ü,ű and ó)
    Didn't think that could cause a problem, but it seems to be the case, right?
  • Ohh, I got it. Thank you! I corrected the problem!
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