
i use open office 3.1., it works fine except two problems:
1) the disambiguation - which was fine before i upgraded - does not work. works by same author/ same year are not disambiguated

2) in the preferences i am asked to chose between format options field and bookmarks. 'fields' tells me it is optimal for MS word but cannot be shared with OO; 'bookmarks' sais it it can shared across OO and MS Word, but citations cannot be inserted into footnotes. there sure is a choice optimal for OO, is there?
  • 1) can you specify which style - or make sure this is really true for all styles.
    2) is just a typo - the "fields" are the Ooo optimal style, this should read the other way around.
  • edited July 29, 2009
    ah, u rright. was using APSA, but it works in chicago (author date format).
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