Generate a visualization of all articles of the same Journal

Since there's no a Publication Type: "Serial", i create items one by one article individually. This way I need to inform in each one the data about the same Journal (name, issn etc) (maybe i can create relation between the articles, but not always there's a relation useful, only they are published in the same publication).

Now, i only use a column Publication as a third column in panel to see the same publications in alphabetical order, but the work to inform the same informations remains.

I think, if theres a Publication Type: Serial, where we can create a relation of the articles, or a hierarchy, would be a great solution.

I think this is the same question with i.e. Series, Publisher, ISSN...

1) Anyone has the same ,suggest a more efficient mode?
2) I can see or browse in the list of Pubblications (or other field) and identifiy all them?

Thank you!

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